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KL Stairlifts fit your home and your budget!



With over 30 years in the lift industry, you can count on KL Stairlifts to fit you a great stairlift at an affordable price.


A family-run, independent company, we supply stairlifts from a range of manufacturers, so we can advise you on the best model for your needs.


Whether your stairs run straight or feature corners and curves, we can find the perfect lift for you.


To arrange a visit to our Keighley showroom, or for a no-obligation quote, call our friendly team of advisors today!

01535 669919

Get in touch and we will get right back to you!

Thanks! We will be in touch shortly.

Tel: 01535 669919

Out of hours: 01792 771118

Beckside House, Pitt Street, Keighley BD21 4PF


The Swansea Lift Group incorporates Keighley Lifts UK Ltd and Swansea Lift Repair & Service Ltd.

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